
Webhooks allow you to send your articles to external applications.

Using webhooks in conjunction with workflow automation platforms like Zapier, Make.com or n8n.io allows you to easily publish your articles to any CMS, without code.

What's more, since these platforms are made for building workflows, you can apply any level of post-processing you like, such as adding, removing or reformatting content.

Managing Webhooks

Webhooks are managed through the Webhook Management window, accessed via the sidebar.

Executing Webhooks

Enabled Webhooks will show up in the article and cluster context menus - simply click the one you want to execute.

Notice also there is a convenient way to get to the Webhook Management window. directly from the context menus, by clicking on the Manage link.

Creating Webhooks

Setting up webhooks is super easy, follow the guides below:

  1. Create a new webhook:

    1. Type a name that makes sense for your action (eg "Post to Webflow").

    2. Paste the webhook url from step 5 (make sure it is pasted exactly as it shows).

    3. Click the Create button.

  2. Click Continue with Selected Record.

That's that!

You can now continue to create the subsequent steps in which you will have access to the fields available from the Machined webhook, see the data type specification.


Guide coming soon


Guide coming soon


Guide coming soon



The webhook data type is structured as follows:

  "cluster_id": "1234567890123x1234567890123",
  "cluster_topic": "Chess > Strategy > Pins",
  "cluster_audience": "Amateur chess players",
  "article_id": "1234567890987x1234567890987",
  "article_slug": "best-chess-pins",
  "article_title": "Best Chess Pins to Press Your Opponent",
  "article_description": "Learn about pins and how to utilise them in your game.",
  "article_keyword": "best-chess-pins",
  "article_content_markdown": "# Introduction \n Let's start by discussing what chess pins are...",
  "article_content_html": "<html><h2>Introduction</h2><p>Let's start by discussing what chess pins are...</p></html>",
  "article_featured_image_alt_text":"chess pin",
  "article_featured_image_caption":"Photo by photographer",
  "article_setting_model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "article_setting_perspective": "Second Person (you, your, yours)",
  "article_setting_tone_of_voice": "Friendly"

Last updated